Live Workshop Series
Total TypeScript
Become a TypeScript Wizard - learn the tricks open-source libraries use to build dynamic, robust types.
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Getting better at TS is really hard right now. The secrets of advanced TypeScript are hidden away inside open source libraries or deep in Twitter threads.
Plus, it's hard to deny that TS is the future. It's seeing massive adoption and being an expert can make you enormously employable.

"The Rodney Mullen of TypeScript"
Wes Bos | Host of Syntax FM
This workshop brings together everything I've learned as a TS engineer and OSS maintainer for XState. We'll be covering all the tricks the docs don't teach you.
We'll start at an intermediate level, and work up into a super-advanced level. It's going to be the most advanced TS workshop available anywhere. You'll be the company's resident TypeScript wizard - the one they turn to for advice.
You'll learn the fundamentals of advanced TS. You'll learn about at generics, conditional types, mapped types, tuples - everything you need to feel confident looking at complicated TS code.
You'll need a beginner's knowledge of TypeScript since we'll start from the complicated stuff (generics!) and work upwards.
Type Challenges
From there, we'll work through the type-challenges repo - a list of over 100 TypeScript challenges that offer a stern test of advanced TypeScript users. This will be a problem/solution setup - I'll set up the problem, then let you have a go at the solution.
This will test your TypeScript muscles and give you a massive, comprehensive set of challenges to work through at your pace.
OSS Deep Dives
Finally, we'll look at TypeScript in the wild. I've got interviews lined up with several open source library maintainers who will guide you through 5-10 of the top TS Open Source repo's out there.
We'll focus on the tricks they used to solve their hardest TS challenges - and the architectural decisions that led them there.

"Your TS tips are 🔥"
Shawn "swyx" Wang | Author and Developer Advocate
This is your opportunity to learn next-level TypeScript that you can apply to your projects today.